Upcoming Events

Roundhouse Rendezvous

Roundhouse Rendezvous

THA is proud to present our annual Roundhouse Rendezvous Dinner and Auction. The event takes place March 8th, 2025 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Sequoia Conference Center. Featuring the theme, “Roundhouse Rendezvous,” this night of festive food/drink and live/silent auctions is sure to transport you back into the historical days of the timber industry.
We hope you'll join us!
All proceeds benefit the THA and our ongoing projects like shop and equipment maintenance and railroad right of way repairs.

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to Mar 15

87th Redwood Region Logging Conference

The Redwood Region Logging Conference (RRLC) is the largest timber-related event that happens in Northern California.  The Conference takes place annually in March and alternates between Ukiah and Eureka as a venue.

The RRLC is committed to providing quality educational opportunities to local students.  Each year during the banquet the live auction raises funds to continue our educational goals. Proceeds fund events such as Education Day, and Career Day for high school and college students to explore employment and career opportunities in the Timber Industry, orchestrating High School Forestry Contests where potential forestry students compete on both individual and team levels, providing a Mural Contest for all K-8th grade​rs, provide teachers with curriculum resources, classroom visits with industry professionals, Boots on the Ground for high school seniors and the annual Redwood Region Resource Rally for high school juniors and seniors to name a few. RRLC is always developing new and effective ways to promote the Timber Industry through supporting students and teachers. 

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2024 New Volunteer Orientation

2024 New Volunteer Orientation

Ever wanted to curate a museum exhibit? Would you like to work on dragsaws or vintage trains? Like old buildings and archives? Good with a camera? Want to help clear local tralis?

Every aspect of the Timber Heritage Association is a volunteer effort. There are positions for all levels of skill and experience within the organization. All you need is a willingness to learn, some spare time, and a little interest in local history.

Learn about all the exciting volunteer opportunities available at the museum at our upcoming Volunteer Orientation on March 23rd from 10am-3pm.

To attend, please contact us through our website.

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86th Redwood Region Logging Conference
to Mar 16

86th Redwood Region Logging Conference

Timber Heritage Association will be partnering with Roots of Motive Power to provide rides on the rails to the public.

The Redwood Region Logging Conference (RRLC) is the largest timber-related event that happens in Northern California.  The Conference takes place annually in March and alternates between Ukiah and Eureka as a venue.

The RRLC is committed to providing quality educational opportunities to local students.  Each year during the banquet the live auction raises funds to continue our educational goals. Proceeds fund events such as Education Day, and Career Day for high school and college students to explore employment and career opportunities in the Timber Industry, orchestrating High School Forestry Contests where potential forestry students compete on both individual and team levels, providing a Mural Contest for all K-8th grade​rs, provide teachers with curriculum resources, classroom visits with industry professionals, Boots on the Ground for high school seniors and the annual Redwood Region Resource Rally for high school juniors and seniors to name a few. RRLC is always developing new and effective ways to promote the Timber Industry through supporting students and teachers. 

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Santa, Trains, & Candy Canes

Please join Timber Heritage Association for Santa, Trains & Candy Canes this Holiday Season on DECEMBER 10TH, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Come celebrate the holiday season with Santa and THA at the Samoa Roundhouse. This free and fun event for kids and parents will include cookie decorating, hot chocolate, activity centers, and photographs on a historic locomotive with Santa!

Hosted by the Timber Heritage Association, this unique event welcomes all ages to come out and take a family photo with Santa aboard a historic locomotive, enjoy hot chocolate and cookies, and explore the Timber Heritage museum in Samoa, California.

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Haunted Rail Tour

North Coast Repertory Theatre has partnered with the Timber Heritage Association, the Clarke Historical Museum, and the people who produced the Haunted Mill Tour to create a brand-new haunted event at the train yard behind the Samoa Cookhouse!

The Haunted Rail Tour runs 6:00 PM-Midnight every show night, and is located at 930 Vance Avenue, Samoa.

Admission includes the Roundhouse Tour and the Haunted Night Market, this part of the Haunted Rail Tour is rated PG-13.

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SOAR - Salmon, Oysters, Ales, & Rails

SOAR - Salmon, Oysters, Ales, & Rails

Timber Heritage Association presents Salmon, Oysters, Ales, and Rails (SOAR), the annual fundraiser that returns this year. The event is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday, August 26 at Roundhouse in Samoa.

Tours of the historic Samoa Shops and Roundhouse are available throughout the day. The barbecue, featuring salmon, rock fish, oysters, and hot dogs, begins at 11:00 a.m. and continues to 3 p.m. Tickets available soon.

Rides on the Crew Speeder cars begin at 10 a.m. and continue until 4 p.m.

Redwood Dixie Gators will provide music.

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Crew Speeder Rides - Old Town Eureka (4th OF JULY)

Crew Speeder Rides - Old Town Eureka (4th OF JULY)

Rides begin at 10 a.m. and run until 4 p.m, with the last ride leaving at 4:00 p.m.

All scheduled events are subject to change and possible cancellation.

What is the history of the Eureka Old Town run?

Beginning at the foot of E Street in Eureka, ride through a vibrant district of shops, restaurants, galleries, and museums, which used to be home to Humboldt’s bustling port activity.

On April 8, 1901, the City of Eureka granted the California & Northern Railway the right to lay down tracks along the Eureka Waterfront. Almost immediately, crews began laying track from the Eureka Slough bridge toward the Carson Mansion and into J Street. A large tunnel was constructed through the hill the mansion sat on. Shortly after, on April 30, 1901, competitor Eureka & Klamath River Railroad was also granted a franchise by the City of Eureka and began constructing tracks along First Street between J & B Streets. The two companies came to a standstill as there was only enough room for one railroad through the congested Eureka Waterfront. Eventually, the two railroads compromised to create a single joint line through the town, but that did not end the fight for space. The battle over waterfront trackage rights raged until 1904, when the newly formed San Francisco & Northwestern Railway took over the line through Eureka.

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